Tak, tak, temat niniejszego postu to nie żart. W 2piwach w końcu ktoś się zakochał! I to nie jedna osoba, ale aż 4.
W tym miejscu 2piwa chciałby pochwalić się miłosnymi mailami jakie otrzymuje od dziewczyn szalenie w nim zakochanych:
"Dearest one
i am happy to contact you today hope is well with you
by name Janifer i know you will be surprise where i got your E-mail
i got your E-mail(IN www.grono.net) when i searching for good
partner i decided to drop you message i really want to have a
relationship with you please write to me directly to my Private
E-mail here is(janifer2live@yahoo.co.uk) so i can tell you about me
also give you my picture so we can know each other i will be waiting
your respond thanks yours Janifer
"Hello Dearest,
how are you doing today, i hope all is well with you, my name is Miss Janifer Muhammad, i am 24 years from Post Sudan in Africa presently residing in Senegal due to the war in my country,i really need your help to come out from this situation am into it please do me favour for the sake of my life in this situation.
My late father (Dr El-Hamid G Muhammad, he is the Sudanese Deputy Foreign Minister), he was killed during the war, my mother Mrs Amir Lubna Muhammad, and I with my younger brother Mr Karim Muhammad, managed to make our way to this country Senegal by the help of UN army, on our arrival to Senegal I lost my Mother, one of the army that broth us to this country keep I and my younger brother with a woman called Mrs Ndeye Fatima, as his going back.
With the help of Mrs Ndeye Fatima, and there Rev, we can managed to live but not so easy, I would like to know more about you, and i will tell you more about myself in my next mail, Attached below is my picture, i will be hoping to hear from you soon thank from yours Janifer"
Jedna z miłości 2piwa wygląda następująco:

2piwa chciałbym powiedzieć, iż odwzajemnia wszystkie uczucia do wszystkich dziewczyn, które się w nim zakochanych. W najbliższej przyszłości 2piwa planuje zmienić wiarę na islam oraz wygrać w totolatka, by założyć 4 osobowy harem.
6 komentarzy:
Ejjj Jennifer mnie kocha!!! Spotkamy się na uklepanej ziemi!!!
Nie ona kocha 2piwa. Odczep się do przyszłej żony 2piwa.
e tam laska, spojrz lepiej na mebloscianke
porządna nie ma to tamto :)
przecież ona ma wąsy !
Zapraszam do mnie. Znajdziesz tu fajniejsze kobiety i bez wąsów!!! :P
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